Sunday, January 28, 2007

I am here!

I arrived in Waihi on Fri. the 26th. It is beautiful! I don't have much time to write now. But so far I have milked 450 cows, experienced an earthquake, had a poisonous spider in my bedroom, and enjoyed the beautiful countryside. I love it!!!! It is so amazing and my roomate and her family are awesome. More later and I will post pics later too!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Almost there!

One week until I leave! I can't wait!!

Thursday, January 4, 2007


I am trying to get everything underway before I head out! I have been getting contradictory information about whether or not I need a visa and I leave in less than 3 weeks! I am still not sure what kind of visa I would even need in order to get there and it is just a tinsy bit stressful right now! Ahhhh..... I just want to be there and have this all settled. Hopefully this will all get figured out soon so I don't get ulcers! You know me, always procrastinating.