Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I didn't actually mean to post my last post on here! Opps! It was meant for my photography blog. But, oh well. Most of you have probably seen those pictures before, but there they are again!!

Things are going well here. My nephew Jackson is doing great! He is so adorable and I love his little mohawk! hehe. :)

The past two weeks have been really busy at work. I am part of the Martin Luther King Celebration Committee and all of our events have been going on. Last Thursday was the opening of the art exhibit done by multicultral high school boys. I had some great conversations with the boys afterwards. It was great! Sunday was the spiritual celebration at a local church. It was neat the see the church packed with people! Tomorrow is the big day. We have the poet, Nikki Giovanni speaking. There's both an afternoon and an evening event.

In other news, I was asked by my boss if I would be interested in starting up a local youth group through the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). I am really excited about it, and presented by idea at the NAACP meeting this past Monday. It went really well!

Pictures of the MLK events to come! I have to find my camera cord!

1 comment:

Carlie said...

Sounds like lots of good stuff is going on in your world! Hooray! Will have to get on planning our outing...I promise I haven't forgotten.

(Your photography is stunning!)