Jackson Wayne Williams was born at 4am yesterday. He is 9 lbs. and 15 oz. He is a gorgeous litte chubby thing with black wavy hair. I am so in love with him already!
My dad called Friday afternoon to let me know that Kimi was in labor and that mom was in the hospital with her. I then got a call around 9 that things had stopped progressing due to the fact that Kimi had a fever and they had her packed in ice. My stomach was in knots and I didn't know what to do with myself while I was waiting for more news. A few hours later dad called again to say things were underway again and Kimi was doing better. I attempted to get some sleep and dad called again just before 4 to let me know that Kimi went in for an emergency C-section. Just after 4, mom and Nikki called to let me know I was an Auntie! I could hear Jackson screaming in the background, which of course set me to tears! I was just beside myself with joy!!! It felt like he was never going to get here! I spent a good chunk of the day yesterday checking my email for new pictures and talking to my family on the phone. This morning at 9:30 dad called again to tell me that Jackson was being taken by ambulance to Marquette General Hospital because he had pnuemonia. My mom was able to go and be with him, after convincing the doctors that she should have the right to go, since Kimi can't leave the hospital until Tuesday. Kimi also still has a fever, but is doing a little better. Mom will be staying with Matt in Marquette. Nikki and Sierra (our very close family friend) are taking turns being with Kimi in the hospital. My dad ended up in the urgent-care himself with a bad sinus infection and can't be in the room with Kimi until he is better. It's been a huge emotional rollercoaster. Prayers would be much appreciated and as soon as I hear anything, I will update.
Beth, he's so beautiful! Kimi makes gorgeous babies.
I am so sorry that you're having to go through all of this so long-distance...its so hard to want to DO something and only be able to sit on your hands, check your e-mail and pray. I love you and I'm so glad that you're supporting your family through all of this...that's what family is for.
You are doing a wonderful job being the news lady for Jackson! Love you to pieces!
How are things going now? So scary! Hopefully everything has turned out well. Congrats on being an aunt! I'll be praying for your nephew and sister. (I realize this is an older post - so hopefully things have changed for the better now!)
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