Monday, March 5, 2007

Whangamata and a little game they call squash

This weekend Megs and I hit up Whangamata. It is a beach close to home. We did some shopping and then laid on the beach and body surfed all day! It was a blast! I felt a little guilty when I know that my friends and family back home are freezing their booties off, but I thought, "hey, might as well enjoy the beautiful beach here. I am doing it for them."
Last night Megan and I went to a young adult youth group through our church. It is for anyone ages 17-30. It was awesome. It is so nice to be meeting more people our age and to get involved in something other than school.
And speaking of getting involved, I was asked to join the teachers' Squast team. I said, "sure, I'll join....oh yeah, what is it?" Apparently it is like raquetball, which I have never played. All I was told was "bring good shoes, and protective eyewear, and your first game is Wednesday!" now I am wondering why I was so willing to say yes. For those of you who know me well, I am neither athletic or graceful. In fact I am one of they most accident prone people I know. So yes, I am going to be standing in an enclosed room for 15 minute increments while little balls are being served at my face. I will post pics of my welts and bruises soon. If I don't make it through the game, I miss and love you all.

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