Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Can't Wait for Tonight!

I forgot to mention that Patti had her baby last week! Patti was the lady I work with who we had the baby shower for and the one I took pregnancy pictures of. They had a beautiful baby boy named Cain Ryan. He and mom are both doing very well. Claire and I told Patti that we wanted to see the baby (of course!) but that we would wait until things settled down and Patti was ready for us to come over. Well, she called yesterday and asked if we could come by. So, after work, Claire and I are going to see them! Woo-hoo!! I will try and sneak in soome pictures to post later, if I can.
After we get back from Patti's, I have to run back to get all dressed up for my belly dancing class tonight! I am super excited!! I cannot wait. I will definitely take some more pics too!

FuN NiGhT ahead!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Lovely Economy

So, people around the college have been a little nervous about the financial situation. Obviously, we, like everyone else, are nervous about losing our jobs or taking a pay cut. The college board meets tomorrow and Friday and will be deciding how to take care of the financial situation. Maybe it won't be as bad as everyone is suspecting. Rumors are going around about a 4 day work week with salary cuts, or major job loss, or 11 month positions rather than full year positions. But who knows? Nothing has even been talked about officially. So, I guess we will see. We will find out on Tuesday what is going to happen.
As scary as it all is, I know that if things didn't work out, it's because God has a better plan for me somewhere else. So, we'll just have to wait and see what pans out in the end. I'll let you know what I find out.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Girls Weekend

This past weekend was wonderful!! My mom and Nikki came to visit me!
When they came on Saturday, I showed them my apartment and we caught up before heading to lunch and hitting the shops in both Ashland and Bayfield. We then drove out to a campground in the middle of nowhere, so my mom could check it out as a potential camping spot for her and my dad this summer. It was gorgeous. Right between a river and a lake. I am super excited that they found one close to me, so I can see them for the weekend! Then I took them to check out Northland's campus. It was really fun to show them where I work! We then went to a little Mexican restaurant in town, where we laughed a lot and had a great time! We went back to my place and I showed them my belly dancing I had been learning and then my mom attempted it while she sang "Aquarius (Let the Sun Shine)" from Hair. Nikki and I were dieing laughing. It was great! Haha! The next morning we woke up and lazed around in our pj's while I made them cinnamon rolls and coffee. We hit up a few more shops in town and went to the little local coffee shop before they had to leave. It was a quick visit, but so much fun!!! It was just what I needed! I am so lucky to have such a kick-butt family! MWAH!

Belly Dancing

Last Thursday we had a pre dress-up day at belly dancing class. Some people wore their full dance costumes. It was a blast. I didn't wear anything special because I didn't know we were going to do it since I was gone the week before. But we learned some new dance combinations and had a great time! It was so much fun! This week is the real dress-up week. So, I will definitely, take more pictures this week and post them!!

Jamestown Settlement

I drove through Delaware and Washington D.C., where I could see the Washington Monument and the Capital Building from the road.

Virginia Beach

The Rest of My East Coast Trip

So, I have been bad about catching up lately. Opps! It seems like the longer I go without writing, the more I push it aside. So, here it goes.

The rest of my trip went great! I had two days of fairs in Gaithersburg, MD. The fairs were really successful and lots of fun! The first night of fairs was really rainy and muddy. The fair was held at the fairgrounds, so all of the roads and parking spaces were dirt and gravel. Well, walking to my car that night, I saw a family that was stuck in the mud. There were like 4 other people trying to push the car out, but it wasn't budging, so I went over and helped too. After 5 minutes or so, we got them out, but I was covered in mud, so I had to make a quick trip to get new dress pants and then I had to scrub my shoes. The next day, after the morning fair, I drove down to Newport News, Virginia. On my way, I saw a sign pointing towards Jamestown, the historic first settlement. So, I followed the signs, which took my through Williamsburg, which was really cool, to Jamestown. It was so awesome!!! It was a nice day for walking around too! I got to see some of the old ruins they were excavating. It was really neat to think that this is where the first settlers arrived and was the start of our nation. I cannot fathom all that they went through. Then, I drove around to Newport News and grabbed some dinner before heading back to the hotel to hot tub. The next day, I had 3 high schools to visit. After hitting up those schools, I drove down to Virginia Beach. It was probably just above 60 degrees but it was still cool to see it and there were quite a few people on the beach! Some were wearing parkas while others were tanning in their bikinis. It was kinda funny. I ate a great salmon wrap on the patio of a little beach restaurant and then headed for the beach. It got much breezier as I neared the water, but I was determined to lay in the sand in the sun. I did for awhile, until I was uncomfortably chilly. So, I walked along the boardwalk and checked out all the little shops instead. I then went to get my hair cut, which was a mistake since I ended up with sort of a mullet bowl-cut. Oh well. Hair grows, right? I then grabbed some great Greek food to go and headed back to Newport News to pack up for the flight home the next morning. Saturday, I got up and headed out allowing myself and extra hour and a half for traffic. Well, I still didn't almost make it. Traffic was crazy! But I got out and my flights went well. That night I stayed at Kayla and Phil's new house in the cities (they were my college roomates). Sunday we went to their church, ran errands and made dinner for Katie and Ryan (other college friends). It was great to see everyone again. Sunday night, my friend Megan came and stayed with me at my hotel because she took Monday off of work. Monday, we slept in and lazed around before heading to get spa pedicures and hitting up the Mall of America. It was great! That night I had another college fair, which went pretty well. Tuesday, I slept in a little and then went to Panera for lunch and to make some work calls and emails. That night I had my final fair of the year and headed back to the hotel to hang out with Megan again. Wednesday I headed back to Ashland, where I went into the office for 2 hours and then 4 hours at the gym that night. I was totally wiped out by the end!