Monday, February 16, 2009

Book Across the Bay

This weekend was a blast!! I had so much outdoor-sy fun!!
Friday I worked my shift at the gym and since it was slow, I got to do some good reading. I picked up a book that I had started last year and never finished. It's called "They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky". It is a true story about The Lost Boys of Sudan. It is super interesting, but really hard to get through just because it is so sad!! It is also very descriptive and gruesome in places. But I am really looking forward to finishing it. That night I got home and just relaxed!
Saturday, we had a Visit Day on campus, which is where interested students come and visit the college for the day and we all sorts of things planned for them. Oh, yeah... and happy belated Valentine's Day! That night a friend and I went to check out "Book Across the Bay". This is a race across the frozen bay. It can be done on snowshoes, skiis, or on foot and is usually 10K. Due to the unusual weather here this year, the race was shortened to 7K but still had a HUGE turnout. The race started at 6:00, so we went up there at 8ish to watch people cross the finish line. It was really cool! There was a HUGE bonfire and these cool ice candles all over. They even lines the race track with them. I guess there were fireworks too, but we missed those. There was a huge tent set up where they served chili, beer, and cocoa and had a band playing. There had to have been over 1,000 people in the tent just when we were there. They had hay strewn about the floor of the tent to keep it warm and hay bales set up for people to sit on. It was really cool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's my girl!!!! Sounds like sooo much fun!