Monday, February 9, 2009

Ice Race

Yesterday I went to the races! Ashland is none for their ice races in the winter. When the Chequamegon Bay (Lake Superior) freezes over enough, the city makes a race track right out on the ice. They even have a parking lot out there. I remember driving from Duluth to home in college and passing through Ashland thinking it was nuts that there were all these cars out on the lake! Well, now that I live here, I had to go and check it out. I went with a friend and we parked the car in the beach parking lot, opting not to test out the lake parking lot, and walked out to the track. We got there well they were pulling one car out of the snow bank, but the race started shortly afterwards. It was fun to watch these old beaters sliding all along the ice track. It was pretty hilarious, but tons of fun!

The pictures are below. The first few are of the cars on the "road" that goes from the beach out onto the lake. One pic is of this old beater car that lost it's wheel but kept on going spraying up ice everywhere. The others are of the track and the race itself.

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