Friday, March 6, 2009

I attempted to make salmon for dinner last night. I found a recipe where you put salmon in a baking pan with milk and fresh dill. It was okay, but not very flavorful at all. Bummer. I found another recipe for citrus salmon, maybe I will try that one next.
Belly dancing was really fun last night! Kate, my physical therapist and Pilates teacher, came with me. It was really fun to have her there. We worked on our muscle isolations last night. I am slowly improving! I now feel like I have better understanding to how my body moves, and how to isolate certain muscles to make them move. I still have a long way to go, but I am getting there! We then worked on our Shakira song. Kate picked it up really fast. It is so fun!! I love it! We only have a minute down right now, but I want to learn the whole thing!!! Afterwards, Kate and I picked up Claire and we headed out for our Thursday night girl time. Ashley and Sarah, who usually come weren't there tonight, not sure why. But it was a good chance to us to get to know Kate. I really like her tons and cannot wait to hang out again!! I invited both the girls to come and see the high school's production of "My Fair Lady" and then come over to my apartment for pizza afterward. I haven't had anyone over to my apartment in a long time. I wanted to have it all cleaned and finish decorating it before any saw it. It's decorated now, but the cleaning part will come this weekend!
And I got my tax return today! YAY!!! I think I am finally going to go and buy the camera I have been wanting for ages! I want one that is a little more "professional" that has a better zoom for nature pictures. I am heading to Duluth tomorrow, so I might get it then! Woo-hoo!!!!!!

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