Thursday, January 29, 2009

I went to the Fitness Center yesterday to meet with my new boss. When I walked in, he asked if I wanted another regular shift! I will also work Wednesdays now. That is perfect. 8 extra hours a week! I am going to save up to buy a nice professional camera! Woo-hoo! I go back in for training tonight and tomorrow and once next week before I actually start my regular shifts on my own. I am really excited though. I was only really there for about 20 minutes last night. I knew I had to get my booty in gear to move stuff since my evenings are now full! I ran home and loaded up my car and brought it to the new place. I even organized my kitchen cupboards and figured out what goes where, and cleaned my closet and organized it. Then I went home and watched American Idol and painted.
Today, I am feeling a little overwhelmed with how the next few days will go. I have tomorrow off to move and hope that I can get it all done and cleaned before work. Aghh... I am SO ready to be in and settled! Today and tomorrow will be the worst of it just because I feel like I am living between the two places.
In other news... I have been begging my boss to let me travel to the East Coast for recruitment. I really want to go! Today she said I could! I am going to Maryland for a few days in April. Woohoo!!! Maybe I will get some warm weather too. I am really excited to go there! Something to look forward to and to start planning for.
The next time I blog, I will be in my new place!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I got a second job!!! Woo-hoo!!! Yesterday, I got a call from the fitness center, that they need someone to fill their Friday night shift. Kind of a bummer night to work, but, hey, it's more money! I am going to be sitting at the front desk and then closing it up at night. I actually start training today after work. I will be training this week and next and then working from 5-9 every Friday. I'm kind of bummed about having to work Fridays, but it will be about 90 bucks a month extra. That will be my spending money and then the admission job will go to all the bills. It will be really nice to have a little extra. Plus, I can always pick up other shifts too. And, I get a free membership there now and can take any of the fitness classes for free and use the raquetball courts when I want. Claire works there now and said it is an easy job too and really laid back. She said most people bring dinner there to eat, which will be nice since I will be leaving one job to head to another. She also said she brings a journal and just writes while she is there or brings a book. I am excited about having some time to read too! I will let you know how the first day of training goes!

Yesterday after work, I finally got around to bringing my bags of stuff to Goodwill. After dropping them off at the donation door, I went inside to see if there was anything good for the new apartment. I found a shoe rack, an un-opened box of blinds, which was just what I needed, and some cool retro-ish looking fabric, so re-cover some of my pillows. I was excited about my finds! Then I picked up Claire and we ran to Walmart. I got a new mini-palm tree to put in my bedroom. I am super excited! It looks great in there. We grabbed some stuff for dinner and headed over to her place. Grant (her hubby) was gone for the night, so we made pasta and garlic bread and just talked about life. We also splurged on Ben and Jerry's and ate that while we had girl talk. It was great. By the end of the day, I was pooped.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not much to say today! Hauled a bunch of stuff to the new place last night. Even brought some of my fridge and freezer stuff over! My old place is a disaster zone right now, but is clearing out slowly. I probably won't bring much over there now until Friday, when I actually move. Maybe just a load here or there. When I got back, I was super cold to I let the water in the tub run, until it was hot. It takes a long time, especially since the heat in the building is out again, so the whole apartment is freezing! While the water was heating up, I made smoothies and muffins. I needed to do something with all the fruit in my freezer, since I don't have space right now in the new one. I made enought smoothie for breakfast for the rest of the week. I love them!! I just mix frozen berries, a little limeonade concentrate, ice and strawberry yougart in the blender. Then I pour a glass and put the rest in a glass container to scoop into a cup in the mornings. Yum! So, I took my smoothie to the bath with me and relaxed in the tub. My new place only has a shower, so I figured I better enjoy the bath now. But it was so cold in the bathroom that the water got cold right away. So, I drained a little, closed the shower curtain turned the water on super hot, so it steamed it all up and then I could stay warm! Then I got out and hunkered down in my bed. I am SO looking forward to having a warm apartment!
This morning was a little chilly getting up and I was running late. But I grabbed a muffin and my smoothie and was out the door on time. Tonight, I might not even go to the new place! I need a break. I am going out with Claire and another friend for awhile and then might go back and work on my other painting. We'll just see how it goes.

Monday, January 26, 2009

What a Great Weekend!!

Sigh... Sad that the weekend is over. It was great! Just what I needed. Friday, Claire and I went to our friend Patti's house for a Mary Kay party. It was fun to get together and have a girls night. Our friend Katie, who used to work with us was there too. It was great to see her again and catch-up on everything. We were there for 4 hours!! It was well after 10 when I got home and I was really tired, so I got home and crawled in bed.

Saturday, I got up early and packed up everything to go home for the weekend. I brought all my towels, rugs, sheets, etc. to be washed so I could bring them over to the new place clean. I picked up a muffin and a chider (chai tea/ cider) from the coffee shop and swung over to Claire's to pick her up. I invited her to come home with me for "Miss America Weekend". This has always been a very big weekend for the Williams girls! It actually started back with my Grandma like 50 years ago!! The Miss America pagent used to fall during opening weekend of deer season. So, while the guys were out hunting all of the aunts and girl cousins got together for a girls weekend and watched Miss America. My Grandma even went to see the pagent live once! Now both of my Grandma's watch it. We can't be with them since they live far away, so we call every commercial break to see who they are rooting for. It is always a blast! So, anway, I picked up Claire and we headed to Houghton. The drive was gorgeous!! The skies were so blue and the trees were covered with snow. It was a photographers dream. I wanted to stop a billion times to get some pics, but it was freezing out and we were antsy to get there. But I did get one and posted it below. When we arrived in Houghton, I gave Claire the royal tour and even bought us a Pasty, since Claire had never tasted the traditional Yooper food. We headed home then and were greeted by Nikki and Mom. We drank tea from my mom's fine china collection and caught up on everything. Before we knew it, 8 o'clock was upon us and it was time for the pagent. It was fun to watch, although we were going to Miss Georgia or Miss Hawaii and neither won. Oh well.

Yesterday, we got up and went to our favorite cafe for breakfast and then headed to our friends the Johnson's. Their Newfoundland just had puppies on Thursday! Newfoundlands are the HUGE black dogs. They can weigh 175 poounds!! The puppies were soooooooo cute! They didn't have their eyes open yet, but would just sleep and wimper. It was awesome! And amazing to think in a couple weeks they will be huge! We sadly had to leave and came back to the house to pack up. It was really windy and snowy out and we thought we better get on the road. The first 20 minutes or so of the drive was awful. White out conditions, slippery roads. I thought we might have to turn around, but just then the sun started to come out and the rest of the drive was sunny and gorgeous with clear roads!!! When I got back last night I quickly loaded my car and brought over a load to the new place. It is improving! I also posted more pics of the apartment below. It is still in the works, and I won't be completely moved until Friday. But it is getting better. I cannot wait! Then Claire called and invited me over for pizza. Her husband had his brother and friend up visiting and I think she was in need of more girl time!

It was a wonderful weekend! Now, I need to get back into the work mentality and prepare for a crazy busy moving week!! AHHHHHH.....

New Bedroom- Still kinda bare

New Bathroom- Still in the process of moving in

New Living Room- Still in the works

Funky $10 Chair

Ugly as Sin $20 Couch

Newfoundland Puppies- 3 Days Old

Pics from Miss America Festivities

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hehe... notice in the last of my kitchen pictures, I put the cupboard doors on upside down under the sink. Opps. Need to change that. I guess they were meant for a baby to open. Totally a Beth moment.

Painting I Did for My New Apartment

Pics of New Kitchen

Thanks everyone for your thoughts. It has been a rough couple of days, but I know things will slowly feel normal again. It just feels weird, ya know? I have never been "alone" since I have lived here. It will take some readjusting.

Wednesday, I got my new furniture moved in!! It took only 1/2 an hour to get everything from the store loaded in the truck and into my new place. 2 of the guys from work helped with the hauling and Patti, one of the girls I work with, drove her husband's truck. It made for a fun lunchtime actually! I ordered us all a really yummy, greasy pizza to give us energy before we moved everything, then we all hopped in this huge truck to head to the furniture place. The powersteering in the truck was not working right, so poor Patti had to use all her strength to crank the wheel. Patti is also 5 months pregnant, so it was a funny sight. It took us about 6 times of backing up and inching forward, backing up and inching forward, to get it out of the snow banked lot. And she kept accidentally honking the horn well trying to crank the wheel. It was hilarious. Anywho, so we picked up the couch and bed and I also decided to get these 2 really cool chairs too! They were only 10 bucks a piece and I sold my stuff on ebay, so I thought, why not? They are really cool and funky!Pics to come! Wednesday night I went out to the new Mexican restaurant in town with Claire and then we went to see "Bride Wars". It was cute. I really needed some girl time, so that was perfect. I got home that night around 10 and had a little breakdown. Just cried a lot. It was just weird not to call my bf and it was weird to feel so alone. I grabbed my phone and called my mom. It was 11 there, but mom always said to call anytime if I needed her. So I did. I just asked her to stay on the phone with me while I cried so I wouldn't feel so alone. She is such a great mom! When I got off with her, I just say and cried and prayed. I prayed that God would help me get through this and to comfort me in this time, and also to say thank you for helping me make this decision. It helped to calm me down and before I knew it, I was asleep on the couch. About an hour later I woke up with horrid stomach pains. I thought I might get sick, so I went into the bathroom. Nothing happened. So, I went back to the couch. Same thing a little bit later. Went to the bathroom and nothing. My stomach was horribly cramping up. This is how a majority of the night went. It was awful. I was exhausted and stressed out the next morning and decided to call in sick for the morning, since I had taken a 1/2 day vacation that night anyway to move. I slept on the couch until noon, got up, made some soup, put on the Sex in the City movie and painted in the afternoon. I didn't get anything moved, but I honestly didn't feel up to it at all. Last night I went out for appetizers with a friend who is also dealing with boy problems. She is in the midst of going on a break with hers and wanted to talk. It was nice to be there for her and to understand her situation.
Then, feeling better, I went to belly dancing. It was my first day back since last semester and my first time using my new belly dancing skirts! It was really fun. We are learning a dance to a Shakira song right now. I just found out that one of the ladies in the class had a heart attach on Christmas Eve! She is only in her 40's. And she said it was caused by her chemo treatments. Apparently she has lung cancer too, and was in remission, but now it's back again. She always seemed to have such a zest for life and was always so positive. If anyone can beat cancer, I think she can. It really put things in perspective though. Makes me realize, if she can get through all that, I can get through this.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New Start

I think it is a good time for a fresh start. It is a new year and we have a new president. Sometimes new beginnnings are rough, but necessary for growth to happen. I am looking forward to being moved in to my new place and decorating it in a new style. I am starting a new semester of belly dancing and possibly a new second job on top of that.

Sometimes, life is like winter. You have a thick layer of crusty snow that you feel like you can't break through. But little by little, it melts away and flowers can push through the frozen ground and bloom. Kind of a poetic little thought.

Last night, I had to make a very hard decision. I needed to do what was best for me and learn to let some things go. I did. Last night, I let go. I ended my relationship. It was very, very hard. But I also know it was the right thing to do. I prayed a ton about it and knew that God was pushing me in the direction I needed to go. I can't be in a relationship when I know it means compromising what is important to me. I have always been strong-willed and independent. But I have also always been empathetic and understanding. It is really hard to say good-bye to those you love and care about, even when you know it's what's right.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

Wow. I will never again experience, 'nor have I experienced thus far, an event that brought so many people together. It wasn't that we were brought together over saddening news, or a disastrous act. Today, we were brought together in hope and the promise of a better tomorrow. I have never seen Americans celebrate over common ground like this. Obama said, "our nation is a patchwork". We are. We are a country made up of all walks of life, yet, today we came together as one nation. How awesome!
How cool is it that in about an hour, history will be made? Pretty great when you think about it! It is nuts, all of the hype that is going on around Obama. A friend of mine and I were just chatting about how it is really cool that so much is changing in our country, but that it's a lot of pressure on a new president. People are expecting huge things from him! It is also weird how many people almost worship him. It will be interesting to see how things pan out. It is an exciting time for everyone! I am also pumped that we get to get out of the office to go and see it! The campus is having a big get together in the theater, so I asked my boss if we could all go and she said yes! Yah! I am excited to see it. I don't think I have ever watched an inauguration, 'nor have I ever cared to, until now. We were watching the live feed from D.C. and mass crowds have already gathered. It is crazy!!!

Last night I moved some stuff into the kitchen of my new place and spent some time putting things up on the walls. I know it is a little silly to decorate right now when I still have to paint the bedroom, but I was getting sick of painting and still wanted to feel productive. I will clean up the new kitchen today and take a pic of that for you to see. I really am happy with it. I also taped up the bedroom so that today I can go in there and get it done!! I only have the trim and second coat to do on 3 walls, which in all honesty, won't be too bad.

After getting back from the new apartment last nigt, I just started to feel really kinda down and overwhelmed and I am not sure why exactly. Maybe it is the winter blues and moving stress. I just feel like it is hard to keep my motivation up to get everything done. I feel like I can't keep my head above the water sometimes. If I go gung-ho and paint at the new place, then I am neglecting the mess at my old apartment. If I am cleaning my old apartment, then I am not spending enough time with my bf. If I am spending time with him, nothing is getting moved or cleaned. On top of this, I am flat broke and am trying to get a second and possibly third job. It just feels really frustrating and I realize I need to decide where my priorities will lie.
But, 2009 will be a better year and we will have a new president.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Opps. I forgot to post on Friday. Can you tell I have been busy? Well, Thursday night I went to the used furniture shop and bought a bed and couch!! All for under $100 (99.75 to be exact)! I bought a full mattress and box spring and the nasty $20 green couch. Haha! It was still there (not that I was really surprised). It took a total of about 10 minutes to get everything. I was really hoping to pay for them on Thursday and see if they could hold them until I can move them. And he did! Perfect. I am so excited and will be even more excited on Wednesday when we will try to get it into the apartment! Thursday night I went back over to the apartment and continued painting. It was about 10:30 when I packed up to head out. I heard the neighbor downstairs in the back room (which we share) letting their dog out. I decided to wait, so I did't freak them out, since I was covered in paint and hadn't met them before. Once I heard them come back in, I opened my door, only to be greeted by a pitbull hanging out in the back room. I didn't want to scare the dog, so I said "Hi puppy," in a friendly voice. Well, the dog backed up and then started snarling and barking. Totally freaked me out! So I ran back up my stairs. The neighbor was outside and came back in and yanked the dog outside by the collar and yelled "shut up!" over and over. So, I went outside to head home and said hi to him and he didn't say anything. I was thinking "great, glad I moved away from the bar area only to have a snappy neighbor and a snarling pitbull live right below me." I felt suddenly really uncomfortable and nervous about the whole moving situation. So, Friday, after work, I went back to the apartment and figured I should definitely go and introduce myself now since the guy already saw me and it was weird. As I was walking in, he came out with the dog again. I introduced myself and said sorry for scaring your dog last night. He said she looks scary, but it really friendly. So, I let her sniff my hand and then slowly pet her. She jumped right up for a head scratch. Turns out she is a scaredy cat puppy. She isn't even a year yet and is full of energy, and the guy is the single mom below me's boyfriend. So, I went down to introduce myself to the lady. Her 2 little kids answered the door and I introduced myself to them and then the mom came and I did the same with her. They seem friendly enough. I felt tons better after having at least said hi. I stayed until about 9:30 Friday night and put up the cupboard doors and began painting the bedroom. Not sure what I think of the green yet. I may paint it all khaki, we'll see how it goes.

Saturday, we had a Visit Day on campus. Basically, it is a day for students to come with family and friends and check out the campus. I had to be there at 8. These days are fun, but it stinks getting up so early on a Saturday. I was exhausted, but the day went well. After work I headed over to Minong, WI, which was just under a 2 hour drive, to visit my some friends from collge. I got a little lost on the way out to their cabin, but found it just before dark. It was my friend Kayla, her husband Phil, and her sister Amanda. We had a great night! Kayla just signed on as a Pampered Chef consultant, so she had a "practice party" with Amanda and I. We spent the night testing out the recipes and figuring out all of the tools. It was really fun and the food was awesome. Kayla is trying to get me to be a consultant. I think it would actually be a blast, but I don't have the money for a starting kit right now and it would be really hard during travel season. But it might be a good way to make extra cash. What do you think? Kayla's parents stopped in for a bit and we caught up with them, then played Outburst Junior for awhile, which was tons of fun, and watched "Baby Mama" before falling asleep around 3.
Yesterday we layed in our beds until almost noon! It was great!! We then got up and watched another movie. It was relaxing and really nice just to chill. I headed out around 3ish and came back to hang out with the bf. After he left, I feel asleep on my couch and woke up from a horrid nightmare around midnight. It was one of those dreams that you still feel scared about after you wake up. My heart was racing and it was hard to get back to sleep. So, I am still a bit tired this morning.
And... side note... I already got 2 bids on my ebay item! Woo-hoo. Already 11 bucks more than the offer! 1 day left to sell. I'll let you know how it goes.

Tonight I am hoping to get some stuff done! My old apartment is a disaster zone. I have dirty dishes everywhere and I need to clean my fridge. Yuck. I am hoping to get a little done at the new place after work and then head home to do dishes. Blah.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............. Okay, I am ready for spring break! Did I seriously leave Alaska for this? I swear it is colder here! My car got mad at me today and decided it didn't want to start. Luckily I caught a ride into work. I went home at lunch and attempted to start it again, and voila! At least it is working now! Yay!

Anywho, the dinner I made on Tuesday night turned out...dare I say... good. I am not much of a cook, but it was quite tasty. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I am pretty proud of myself. It was a very easy chicken and mushroom crock pot recipe. The chicken was super tender and the mushroom and seasoning added just the right touch. Would totally make it again! And my guests liked it too. After this, we went to the hockey game. Northland got beat pretty bad, but it was still fun. You know it is getting really cold out, when it feels toasty inside a non-heated ice arena.
Yesterday morning was even chillier, and I decided to take advantage of my vacation day by staying in my warm bed until almost 9! I then got up, threw on my painting clothes, and loaded up my trunk with lots of random things. I decided, since it was a vacation day, to treat myself to a mocha and muffin from the local coffee shop. I rarely indulge in such things when I am in Ashland, so I thought, why not? I was excited to see what my paint job looked like in the daylight, drink my mocha, and begin to finish the painting. Well, things don't always go according to plan. As I was bringing in the first load from my trunk, I grabbed my laptop bag (so I could rock out to some good tunes) and my mocha in my other hand. Well, I got to the top of my stairs and began to lose my balance, and I was quickly faced with a choice. Do I drop the computer or the mocha? So, the mocha went. And by went, I mean all down my legs, into my shoes, down the wall, and all over the kitchen floor. Drat! I was really in the mood for that mocha too! But, to stay positive, it was better to drop that, than my work computer. So I spent the first half hour wiping everything down as best I could, whinned to myself about my mocha loss and continued on with the day. I am not sure how I could be at my apartment for 7 hours and still not be done with the kitchen. About 1/2 way through the day I ran out of paint. So I headed to Walmart, dressed in my finest attire of paint splattered green sweatpants with mocha accents all down one side, my dress shoes from work which I absent-mindedly slipped on to load the car and never changed out of, my wild mane of hair pinned back with paint smudges all over, no makeup on and hives. Yeah, when I get stressed, I get hives...on my face. Let's just say, I looked pretty hot. So I grabbed 3 more gallons and 1 more quart of paint at Walmart and headed back at it again. I decided on paint colors for my bedroom too. I am going to do one wall in green and 3 walls in tan. Should look cool. I think it will turn out jungle-y. I am excited! I ended up painting until 6:30ish and then headed back to my other apartment just in time to heat up a pizza and watch American Idol.
Today, work went by quick due to the fact that I had 4 meetings! I like have meetings because it helps break up the work day. During the middle of the day, a friend of mine called. We had plans to go to belly dancing class together (I have been taking lessons for a semester now, but she is just joining) and then go out afterwards to catch up, but she isn't feeling well, so we cancelled. I emailed my dance teacher to make sure class was still on, but since it is so dang cold out, the studio is closed. It actually works out pretty well, because I really just want to get the painting done. Maybe by the end of next week I can talk about something besides painting!! I am also going to check out the furniture store again, and see if I can pay for the couch and bed today (since it is payday) and have them keep it there until next week, when I can get a truck to move them. Yay!! Things are coming together! I'll post pics soon of the "new" furniture and of the paint job.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It is almost the end of the work day and I forgot to blog! It is stinkin' freezing here! Yuck!! -17 without the windchill. My car was not happy with my when I tried to get it to start this morning. Finally it gave in and chugged along. I am SO ready for a spring break! To bad it is only January! Today is also my little brother's birthday. He is now the big 2-2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT! I gave him a quick morning birthday call today. Can't believe he is not really my "little" brother anymore. I should say "younger" brother instead. Hope he has a great day!

So, last night I got home and rummaged through my cupboards to see what I could throw in the crock pot for tonight. I really need to get rid of some of the food in my freezer before I move and have to shove everything into my ridiculously small freezer in my new place. So, I found some cream of mushroom soup and chicken breasts and found a good crock pot recipe for the two. After this I attempted to begin straightening up my apartment, which is now in shambles as I begin packing up. I don't have many boxes to use so I have been bringing over things in laundry baskets and am semi-putting them away as I bring them. I went through my closet and grabbed clothes I know I won't wear in the next few weeks and am bringing them over to go straight in the closet. I am trying to only bring over things that I can immediately put away right now. Then my bf came over and we went to town on the painting. He did the second coat in the living room and I did all the trim. And... we are done!!!!! At least with the living room. The kitchen and bedroom are another story though. But I stayed until about 10:30 again and started a little in the kitchen. I am taking a vacation day tomorrow to paint, so that will be good. Hopefully I can get the kitchen done and paint the front door and linen closet door and maybe even bring a load of stuff over! That might be a little much, but we'll see.

Today I got my new comforter in. It was only $19.00 at Target. It is dark brown with big white and tan leaves, bright green stems and one pink flower. I will get a pic of it sometime. I am really excited about it. It is kind of jungle-ish. I was planning on painting my room a light green to match the green in the comforter. But now i am realizing that the green is a pretty bright color. So, I might do 3 of the walls tan and one wall the green. Gotta add some flair right? Especially when the carpet is dark brown. I am not really a fan of everything looking... well...poopy. So, I think green will get in the picture some how.

Today, I also listed my first item on EBay! I have had a few things I was looking to sell and someone suggested to try EBay. Last night I took pics of my items (103 pictures for 2 items to be exact). So, I went through the pics today and began listing the items. Only bummer is, as a new seller, you can only sell one item at a time until you earn higher standing. Weird. They must have lots of people selling stuff on there! Well, I have 7 days to try and sell it. Then I can put the other one up. Hopefully, this EBay thing works. It could be fun!

Anywho, after work I am heading back home to check on my crock pot chicken and madly straighten my apartment! I am having people over for dinner tonight before we head to the college hockey game. It will be mighty cold, so I am going to majorly bundle up, but it will be a nice break from painting!

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Few Pics From the Weekend

It is never easy to get back on track on Mondays. Especially after a good weekend! Friday, I left an hour early to go home. Houghton was under a winter storm warning, so my boss said to leave early! It was really nice because I just really wanted to go home. Is it weird to be 24 and still feel like sometimes I just need my parents? Well, it was one of those weeks. The drive home was good, roads were only sketchy in a few places. I rocked out to some good tunes and before I knew it, 3 hours had passes and I was home. Shortly after I arrived, Matt and his friend Holly came. And just after that Nikki came to spend the night. We spent the evening catching up, laughing and playing cards, which was really fun. Saturday morning we went out for brunch and ran some errands around town. Then I went to see my friend Christina's new house. Christina is from my hometown and was my college roomate. She and her fiance just purchases it and are in the midst of gutting out the living room. It was cool to see it in the works and envision what it will look like when it is all done. We spent 3 hours catching up on everything. It was great! That night Matt made his famous chili and Steve came over to join the rest of us while we played cards. Sunday morning we got up and Matt opened his birthday presents from us and we had Mom's homemade rigatoni, always a birthday favorite! I headed back to Ashland shortly after having birthday brownies, so I could make it before it got too dark.

And... my landlord brought a new heater for me to use. It was still a bit chilly as my apartment needed to heat up again after a long, cold weekend!
Now, I am back at work and am feeling really blah and tired. I seem to have been feeling that way a lot lately. I feel so sluggish. I know, part of it has to do with my job right now, and part of it probably has to do with the cold winter blues, but I also know I need to start getting back into shape again. Hopefully that will help.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Ahhhh.... much needed Friday!! I had a bit of a stressful day yesterday. I went home at lunch and met with my landlord about my heater. He couldn't fix it and said he would call the company and bring another heater over in the mean time. Well, that never happened. So, this morning I had to will myself out of my semi-warm bed to fly through the apartment to take a shower and shivered back to my room to through on a sweater in record time! It was freezing!! I asked my landlord if he had received my messages about me moving and he said, "yes, and I am mad." I thought, great, that is just what I need. But he then said, "you are the best renter we have and we don't want to lose you. Is there anything that we can do to get you to stay?" I wanted to say, "could you lower my rent by 100 bucks, find me a parking space, add a few more closests and move the two bars I am in between?" But I decided a "thanks so much, but this new place is closer to campus" might be better. He said to keep his number in case I ever needed a place from them again. That was nice. Hopefully I will get my deposit back from them sooner!
Work was slooooooowwwwwww in the afternoon. It is so different to go from teaching, where you barely have time to breathe, to a desk job, where I spend a majority of my day surfing the net in my cubicle. This is the part of my job I really don't like. I like to be busy and this job right now, is not that. I love the travel part of my job. In the fall I get to go to high schools and college fairs and work and talk with students. But this time of year I basically wait for kids to apply to the college and then call them when they do. Blah... Spring travel starts in a few months and I am actually really looking forward to that. I know I have 3 fairs to go to so far. One in Grand Rapids, MI, one in Ann Arbor, MI, and one in Fort Wayne, IN. I actually hope I get to go to more. I like being on the road and exploring new places.
Last night I went back over to the new place to continue painting. I had to laugh when I walked in and looked at my handi-work from the night before. It looks awful! Not because of the new color, but because of the job I did. I basically threw paint on the middle sections of all of the walls. So when you walk in, it looks like an Easter egg! There is baby blue at the top, bottom and sides of each wall with yellow in the middle and in the background you see the light pink of the kitchen. Yuck! Hopefully it will look better. I got the living room and hall all taped and got a majority of the trim done now. All that is left is the trim in the hallway and then a second coat of everything! BLACH.... But I just asked my boss for a vacation day next week in the hopes that I can get the livingroom, hall,and kitchen completely done. Sigh. That will be nice.
This weekend I am heading home. My brother's b-day is next Tues, so we are celebrating it tomorrow. He is bringing his friend Holly with him, so it should be really fun. I want to get some snowshoeing and sauna-ing in when I am there. It will be nice to see the family again! Can't wait!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I love reading other people's blogs. Some of my cousins keep them and it is so awesome to read theirs because I rarely ever get to see them. It is just cool to see what it going on in their lives too!

Yesterday I rushed to Walmart after work and picked out paint! Yah!! I decided on yellow. My favorite color. Reminds me of summer and my mom. Plus I kind of am going with an Indian/Bohemian theme for my living room and I think the bright will look good with my purples, pinks, oranges, reds, and yellows. I grabbed everything I needed for painting, a bottle of water, my CD player and a hammer and headed over. I feel kind of weird being there because I can hear my neighbors downstairs and I am worried that I will freak them out if they see him walk in the back room in the dark. I really want to introduce myself, but I know she has little kids and usually I go over there kind of late, so I don't want to wake them. But maybe I will introduce myself on the way to paint today. I started at like 7:30 last night. I hate taping everything up and was just so excited to start so I basically painted the middle parts of the living room walls. When I finished using all the paint in the tray, I decided I should probably put the tape around the trim. That is my least favorite part. But I got it done now, so tonight I can finish the top and bottom and all the crazy weird places that I couldn't get to yesterday and then I will have to put a second coat on. The kitchen will take a little more time. There are lots of doors and cupboards and little places,so I am going to have to do a lot of taping in there. I am continuing the yellow through the kitchen and am doing the doors and cupboards a cream color. I think it will definitely brighten everything up! Finally, after going through my one CD I bought to listen to, 3 times, I was ready to be done for the night. I called it quits at like quarter after 10. When I got back to my old apartment, I noticed it was a bit chilly in there. I don't heaters in my apartment, so my landlords purchased a big space heater that easily warms most of my apartment. Well, for some reason it was turned off. Sometimes it does that to cool down for awhile, but the power and everything was off. So I checked the outlet. That was working. So, I tried moving the heater to a different plug anyway and testing it. No luck. I was so tired that I crawled under the covers anyway and fell asleep. This morning I woke up to a very chilly apartment. I am going to call the landlords today in hopes that they aren't too mad at me for moving and will bring me some source of heat. If not, I will surely be able to see my breath by the time I get home.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yesterday at lunch I went to turn in my deposit and my landlord was there! Yay!! And...she gave me the keys!! I was so excited!! I actually packed up a laundry basket of stuff to bring over after work when I went home for the rest of my lunchtime. After work I ventured over and got to check it out again, knowing it was mine. It is interesting to go back and see all the things you missed before, like, where am I going to fit a microwave? and will all of my hanging clothes actually fit? and can I get a couch up these stairs? heh. But, I still know it was the right choice. I can live with those things and make due. Now, the big question is picking out paint. I get so excited to do it, but for some reason, I am feeling a little stressed about it now. I don't know why. It's like I have an idea in my head about what will would look cool and what I want, but things don't always turn out that way. Hmmmm.... But today I brought some paint samples in to show my friend, Claire so she can give her input. I may even buy it today!
After checking out the apartment I went home to check on my pot roast! I was sooooo excited to make it, since I got a crock pot for Christmas and mom gave me a venison roast from dad's deer. At lunch I browned it on the stove and cut up potatoes, celery and carrots. I am praying it turned out. I don't always have the best luck in the world with cooking, but my grandma showed me step by step what to do when I went to visit this fall. Well, I came home and guess what... it smelled like pot roast! That was a very reassuring sign! And it even tasted like a pot roast!! Woo-hoo! I feel like the queen of the world!! I invited my boyfriend over for dinner and he also said it was great. Although, I think he knows how hard I try in the kitchen, that he would say just about anything was good. :) After dinner we hit up the high school hockey game. My bf had never been to one before, so it was fun to watch him and explain things to him. That's right, I explained a sport to someone. Not exactly sure if everything I explained was accurate, but it sounded good. We sat with his co-workers. One of his co-workers son was on the team. After the game we headed over to my new apartment, so I could show it off to him. He approved! I mentioned my paint thoughts to him, which was very interesting because he is a totally tan, black, and white, kind of guy. Well, me... not so much. I was going for more red and yellow. So, he didn't give me much help in picking it out, other than, "it's not what I would choose, but you do whatever you want." I will. Just not sure what yet.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yesterday, at lunch time I stopped by the used furniture store in town. I honestly have driven past it countless times and had no clue it existed. When I got there, there was a sign on the door that said closed. I was a little bummed. As I walked back to my car I saw a man opening the door and flipping the sign. So, I went back for a second attempt. Inside the little "store", it was really more like a long narrow room with a small path in the middle of stacks of used furniture. The man asked what I was looking for and I said a bed and a couch. They have lots of queen beds with box springs for $75.00! I am kind of hoping for a full, just because I think it might be easier to get it into my apartment! The full they had was not so great, but he gets "new" used furniture in almost every week. So, I have plenty of time. I also spotted one of the ugliest couches on God's green earth, but for $20.00 I just may be the proud owner of it! I have a nice slip cover to put over it. If I get it, I will definitely take pics. I am really excited about the prospect of spending around $100.00 to get both a bed and a couch! Yee-haw for thriftiness! Now I just need the keys to my new place so I can buy the furniture and move it in!
After work, I went to bring my security deposit over to my new landlord, but she left early for the day. Bummer. I was hoping I could fanagle my way into getting my keys so I could start painting soon! Maybe today. I called her and she said to drop the check off today at lunchtime. I am getting to anxious to start planning where everything goes!That is my favorite part of moving. I love setting everything up.
I also dropped off an application for the local gym. My friend works there and said it is a super easy, laid-back job. I thought if they were looking for someone in the evenings, that would be a great second job. I'll especially need another job if I am going to be buying fancy $20 couches.
The rest of the evening was spent putting my Christmas ornaments away in boxes and attempting to hide all of my Christmas things behind my futon. I then cleaned my apartment so that it would look at least halfway decent if a new renter came to look at it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Friday morning before work, I decided to act on another New Year's resolution. I resolve to pray about my concerns before talking to others about them. So, Friday morning I prayed about my apartment situation and about my finances and finding another job.

Well...apartment update...
I got an apartment!! Friday I went to look at one during lunch, and had low expectations of it, but the minute I saw it I knew it was what I was looking for and was in my price range! It is 8 blocks closer to campus than my current apartment and it's in a residential area. It has a lot more storage than I have now, which heaven knows I need with all my stuff! It is the upper floor of a house, so it has a driveway and a front porch. What is even crazier, is that well I was talking with the landlord, we got on the subject of her son and that she pulled him out of the school here because it is getting really violent. I said I know how that goes, and that I was a teacher last year. Then she asked if I would be at all interested in tutoring. It is so nuts because I was going to bring in a card to the schools to say that I was a former teacher looking to tutor. God is one crazy guy!! I was so excited! The rest of the afternoon I struggled through week daydreaming of my new place and what colors I would paint it. It is baby blue and pale pink right now. Not exactly my style. I am also now on a mad hunt for furniture! Having moved here from Alaska and before that having been in New Zealand, I own nothing! I have a dresser and 2 little shelves! I am desperatly in need of a bed and a couch. But I am going to look at a used furniture store after work and hopefully something will work! I am also hoping that as soon as I pay my deposit I might get the keys, so I can start painting and slowly begin moving everything in. That would be nice!
After work on Friday I was exhausted for some reason, I fell asleep on the couch by 7!
Saturday my friend Claire and I went to Duluth for the day. It was a much needed girl retreat. We went to Michael's (the craft store) and I swear I could easily spend a whole paycheck there! I bought some new canvases that were on sale and am super pumped to make a few things for my new apartment! It was a great day.
The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and taking down my Christmas stuff.

Friday, January 2, 2009

More Christmas Pics

Pictures from Christmas

It's a New Year

I am very optimistic about this New Year. 2008 brought a lot of great things, but also a lot of struggles. I moved, started a new job, and am learning how to make a budget with the low income I have. I am in the process of looking to a new apartment. My apartment now is pretty nice inside once I settled in and is furnished which was a huge bonus, but it is located right on Main Street above a little cafe and between 2 bars. I am not a fan living right in the bar community! I have 4 to look at today though. Ashland, doesn't offer much as far as nice housing. But I feel good knowing that I have a place already, so I am not stuck, I am just looking for either a better deal or a nicer location. I will keep you posted.
I am also planning a trip this weekend with my friend Claire, to Duluth to do something shopping with her and just have a mini girls getaway.

In conclusion, I have been mulling over my New Year's resolutions. Mine tend to always be the same, eat healthier, exercise more, read more, etc. But I really want something concrete so I can actually test my progress. I also find that the more resolutions you have, the harder it is to keep any of them. So I am going to work really hard on a few simple ones.
My New Year's Resolutions:
1. Blog at least twice a week
2. Read 1 book every other month (hopefully more, but I will start simple)
3. Do 60 sit-ups 5 days a week (20 to each side and 20 in the middle)
4. Stretch for at least 10 minutes a day to help with my muscle tension

I think that is pretty do-able.
Happy New Years!

Starting Up Again

So, considering I have not written in almost 6 months, I am back to blogging once again. It is one of my New Year's resolutions!

To start, I am just going to give a quick account of life so far:
The past 6 months have been pretty crazy. I love my job as an admission counselor. The summer was slow, since there were no students on campus, and I didn't have recruits to work with yet. But once fall came...whew!! I was busier than all get out! My travel territory is the Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. I have the largest travel territory of all the counselors and did lots of driving and flying throughout September, October, and November. I went to 3 different college fairs throughout the state and got to see much of Ohio through the windshield of my rental car. It was a little scary at first, traveling around, trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing and where I was supposed to be going. But I got the hang of it pretty quick and gained the independent confidence I needed. My favorite parts of the trip included shopping (Ashland doesn't offer much), hitting up good restaurants, hot-tubing at the hotels and visiting staying in Logan,OH. I randomly booked a hotel in Logan. It was a smaller town, so the hotel cost was cheaper, plus I heard it had a great state park to visit. Unfortunatly, the park road was closed for construction. But, I did drive along Lake Logan, which was gorgeous. One morning I grabbed my camera and went out to watch the fog roll across the lake, herons and ducks were all over. There was even a gorgeous old sleepy Bed and Breakfast right on the lake with Weeping Willows in front.
Throughout my travels I was able to see both sets of my grandparents, spend time with my cousin, and stay with my brother a few times which was great! My grandparents live more than 10 hours away from here, so getting to see them while I was working was awesome! I also got to head home to the U.P. to see my family on 3 different occassions for work too! That was so fun!
Travel season ended the first weekend of November. It was then time to catch up back at the office and work with the students I met on the road. The weeks went by, and before I knew it Thanksgiving was here! It was so nice to go home for the holiday (last year I was in Alaska for it). I love Thanksgiving! My parents invited some Michigan Tech students over since they weren't able to make it home for Thanksgiving. It was really fun!
So, now I am up to December. The first weekend, I got to see my college roomates in the Twin Cities, for our "Roomate Christmas". We caught up, laughed, shopped at the Mall of America, ate at Benni Hanna's (a cool Japanese restaurant where they cook your food right at the table). It was so great to see everyone.
December was pretty slow at work and I found myself counting down the days until break. I had one week off and went home to be with my family. It was weird without my sister there this year (she is in Colorado), but it was still great to be home. We baked, played cards, laughed, and relaxed. I even got a sewing machine for Christmas, which I can't wait to use!!
I was back in the office this week, but had New Year's Day off. I spent New Years Eve evening with some friends playing games all night. It was great!

So, there, pretty much caught up!