Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............. Okay, I am ready for spring break! Did I seriously leave Alaska for this? I swear it is colder here! My car got mad at me today and decided it didn't want to start. Luckily I caught a ride into work. I went home at lunch and attempted to start it again, and voila! At least it is working now! Yay!
Anywho, the dinner I made on Tuesday night turned out...dare I say... good. I am not much of a cook, but it was quite tasty. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I am pretty proud of myself. It was a very easy chicken and mushroom crock pot recipe. The chicken was super tender and the mushroom and seasoning added just the right touch. Would totally make it again! And my guests liked it too. After this, we went to the hockey game. Northland got beat pretty bad, but it was still fun. You know it is getting really cold out, when it feels toasty inside a non-heated ice arena.
Yesterday morning was even chillier, and I decided to take advantage of my vacation day by staying in my warm bed until almost 9! I then got up, threw on my painting clothes, and loaded up my trunk with lots of random things. I decided, since it was a vacation day, to treat myself to a mocha and muffin from the local coffee shop. I rarely indulge in such things when I am in Ashland, so I thought, why not? I was excited to see what my paint job looked like in the daylight, drink my mocha, and begin to finish the painting. Well, things don't always go according to plan. As I was bringing in the first load from my trunk, I grabbed my laptop bag (so I could rock out to some good tunes) and my mocha in my other hand. Well, I got to the top of my stairs and began to lose my balance, and I was quickly faced with a choice. Do I drop the computer or the mocha? So, the mocha went. And by went, I mean all down my legs, into my shoes, down the wall, and all over the kitchen floor. Drat! I was really in the mood for that mocha too! But, to stay positive, it was better to drop that, than my work computer. So I spent the first half hour wiping everything down as best I could, whinned to myself about my mocha loss and continued on with the day. I am not sure how I could be at my apartment for 7 hours and still not be done with the kitchen. About 1/2 way through the day I ran out of paint. So I headed to Walmart, dressed in my finest attire of paint splattered green sweatpants with mocha accents all down one side, my dress shoes from work which I absent-mindedly slipped on to load the car and never changed out of, my wild mane of hair pinned back with paint smudges all over, no makeup on and hives. Yeah, when I get stressed, I get hives...on my face. Let's just say, I looked pretty hot. So I grabbed 3 more gallons and 1 more quart of paint at Walmart and headed back at it again. I decided on paint colors for my bedroom too. I am going to do one wall in green and 3 walls in tan. Should look cool. I think it will turn out jungle-y. I am excited! I ended up painting until 6:30ish and then headed back to my other apartment just in time to heat up a pizza and watch American Idol.
Today, work went by quick due to the fact that I had 4 meetings! I like have meetings because it helps break up the work day. During the middle of the day, a friend of mine called. We had plans to go to belly dancing class together (I have been taking lessons for a semester now, but she is just joining) and then go out afterwards to catch up, but she isn't feeling well, so we cancelled. I emailed my dance teacher to make sure class was still on, but since it is so dang cold out, the studio is closed. It actually works out pretty well, because I really just want to get the painting done. Maybe by the end of next week I can talk about something besides painting!! I am also going to check out the furniture store again, and see if I can pay for the couch and bed today (since it is payday) and have them keep it there until next week, when I can get a truck to move them. Yay!! Things are coming together! I'll post pics soon of the "new" furniture and of the paint job.
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