Friday, January 2, 2009

It's a New Year

I am very optimistic about this New Year. 2008 brought a lot of great things, but also a lot of struggles. I moved, started a new job, and am learning how to make a budget with the low income I have. I am in the process of looking to a new apartment. My apartment now is pretty nice inside once I settled in and is furnished which was a huge bonus, but it is located right on Main Street above a little cafe and between 2 bars. I am not a fan living right in the bar community! I have 4 to look at today though. Ashland, doesn't offer much as far as nice housing. But I feel good knowing that I have a place already, so I am not stuck, I am just looking for either a better deal or a nicer location. I will keep you posted.
I am also planning a trip this weekend with my friend Claire, to Duluth to do something shopping with her and just have a mini girls getaway.

In conclusion, I have been mulling over my New Year's resolutions. Mine tend to always be the same, eat healthier, exercise more, read more, etc. But I really want something concrete so I can actually test my progress. I also find that the more resolutions you have, the harder it is to keep any of them. So I am going to work really hard on a few simple ones.
My New Year's Resolutions:
1. Blog at least twice a week
2. Read 1 book every other month (hopefully more, but I will start simple)
3. Do 60 sit-ups 5 days a week (20 to each side and 20 in the middle)
4. Stretch for at least 10 minutes a day to help with my muscle tension

I think that is pretty do-able.
Happy New Years!


Anonymous said...

5. Visit Kate in Grand Marais. (very concrete, very easy, so now do it!)

Bethersw said...

Hahaha! I will!