Thanks everyone for your thoughts. It has been a rough couple of days, but I know things will slowly feel normal again. It just feels weird, ya know? I have never been "alone" since I have lived here. It will take some readjusting.
Wednesday, I got my new furniture moved in!! It took only 1/2 an hour to get everything from the store loaded in the truck and into my new place. 2 of the guys from work helped with the hauling and Patti, one of the girls I work with, drove her husband's truck. It made for a fun lunchtime actually! I ordered us all a really yummy, greasy pizza to give us energy before we moved everything, then we all hopped in this huge truck to head to the furniture place. The powersteering in the truck was not working right, so poor Patti had to use all her strength to crank the wheel. Patti is also 5 months pregnant, so it was a funny sight. It took us about 6 times of backing up and inching forward, backing up and inching forward, to get it out of the snow banked lot. And she kept accidentally honking the horn well trying to crank the wheel. It was hilarious. Anywho, so we picked up the couch and bed and I also decided to get these 2 really cool chairs too! They were only 10 bucks a piece and I sold my stuff on ebay, so I thought, why not? They are really cool and funky!Pics to come! Wednesday night I went out to the new Mexican restaurant in town with Claire and then we went to see "Bride Wars". It was cute. I really needed some girl time, so that was perfect. I got home that night around 10 and had a little breakdown. Just cried a lot. It was just weird not to call my bf and it was weird to feel so alone. I grabbed my phone and called my mom. It was 11 there, but mom always said to call anytime if I needed her. So I did. I just asked her to stay on the phone with me while I cried so I wouldn't feel so alone. She is such a great mom! When I got off with her, I just say and cried and prayed. I prayed that God would help me get through this and to comfort me in this time, and also to say thank you for helping me make this decision. It helped to calm me down and before I knew it, I was asleep on the couch. About an hour later I woke up with horrid stomach pains. I thought I might get sick, so I went into the bathroom. Nothing happened. So, I went back to the couch. Same thing a little bit later. Went to the bathroom and nothing. My stomach was horribly cramping up. This is how a majority of the night went. It was awful. I was exhausted and stressed out the next morning and decided to call in sick for the morning, since I had taken a 1/2 day vacation that night anyway to move. I slept on the couch until noon, got up, made some soup, put on the Sex in the City movie and painted in the afternoon. I didn't get anything moved, but I honestly didn't feel up to it at all. Last night I went out for appetizers with a friend who is also dealing with boy problems. She is in the midst of going on a break with hers and wanted to talk. It was nice to be there for her and to understand her situation.
Then, feeling better, I went to belly dancing. It was my first day back since last semester and my first time using my new belly dancing skirts! It was really fun. We are learning a dance to a Shakira song right now. I just found out that one of the ladies in the class had a heart attach on Christmas Eve! She is only in her 40's. And she said it was caused by her chemo treatments. Apparently she has lung cancer too, and was in remission, but now it's back again. She always seemed to have such a zest for life and was always so positive. If anyone can beat cancer, I think she can. It really put things in perspective though. Makes me realize, if she can get through all that, I can get through this.
1 comment:
If God takes you to it, he will take you through it!
Love your paintings.
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