Thursday, January 8, 2009


I love reading other people's blogs. Some of my cousins keep them and it is so awesome to read theirs because I rarely ever get to see them. It is just cool to see what it going on in their lives too!

Yesterday I rushed to Walmart after work and picked out paint! Yah!! I decided on yellow. My favorite color. Reminds me of summer and my mom. Plus I kind of am going with an Indian/Bohemian theme for my living room and I think the bright will look good with my purples, pinks, oranges, reds, and yellows. I grabbed everything I needed for painting, a bottle of water, my CD player and a hammer and headed over. I feel kind of weird being there because I can hear my neighbors downstairs and I am worried that I will freak them out if they see him walk in the back room in the dark. I really want to introduce myself, but I know she has little kids and usually I go over there kind of late, so I don't want to wake them. But maybe I will introduce myself on the way to paint today. I started at like 7:30 last night. I hate taping everything up and was just so excited to start so I basically painted the middle parts of the living room walls. When I finished using all the paint in the tray, I decided I should probably put the tape around the trim. That is my least favorite part. But I got it done now, so tonight I can finish the top and bottom and all the crazy weird places that I couldn't get to yesterday and then I will have to put a second coat on. The kitchen will take a little more time. There are lots of doors and cupboards and little places,so I am going to have to do a lot of taping in there. I am continuing the yellow through the kitchen and am doing the doors and cupboards a cream color. I think it will definitely brighten everything up! Finally, after going through my one CD I bought to listen to, 3 times, I was ready to be done for the night. I called it quits at like quarter after 10. When I got back to my old apartment, I noticed it was a bit chilly in there. I don't heaters in my apartment, so my landlords purchased a big space heater that easily warms most of my apartment. Well, for some reason it was turned off. Sometimes it does that to cool down for awhile, but the power and everything was off. So I checked the outlet. That was working. So, I tried moving the heater to a different plug anyway and testing it. No luck. I was so tired that I crawled under the covers anyway and fell asleep. This morning I woke up to a very chilly apartment. I am going to call the landlords today in hopes that they aren't too mad at me for moving and will bring me some source of heat. If not, I will surely be able to see my breath by the time I get home.


Anonymous said...

Your cousin Rosie here: Sounds great! i love painting. wish we lived in a place we could paint. when we own a house our dream is to paint giant murals on several of the walls.

momala said...

Sounds like fun! You get the love of paint and the dislike of taping from me.

Can't wait to see pics. I love your comments on Rosies site and then her reply!! typical Beth