Monday, January 26, 2009

What a Great Weekend!!

Sigh... Sad that the weekend is over. It was great! Just what I needed. Friday, Claire and I went to our friend Patti's house for a Mary Kay party. It was fun to get together and have a girls night. Our friend Katie, who used to work with us was there too. It was great to see her again and catch-up on everything. We were there for 4 hours!! It was well after 10 when I got home and I was really tired, so I got home and crawled in bed.

Saturday, I got up early and packed up everything to go home for the weekend. I brought all my towels, rugs, sheets, etc. to be washed so I could bring them over to the new place clean. I picked up a muffin and a chider (chai tea/ cider) from the coffee shop and swung over to Claire's to pick her up. I invited her to come home with me for "Miss America Weekend". This has always been a very big weekend for the Williams girls! It actually started back with my Grandma like 50 years ago!! The Miss America pagent used to fall during opening weekend of deer season. So, while the guys were out hunting all of the aunts and girl cousins got together for a girls weekend and watched Miss America. My Grandma even went to see the pagent live once! Now both of my Grandma's watch it. We can't be with them since they live far away, so we call every commercial break to see who they are rooting for. It is always a blast! So, anway, I picked up Claire and we headed to Houghton. The drive was gorgeous!! The skies were so blue and the trees were covered with snow. It was a photographers dream. I wanted to stop a billion times to get some pics, but it was freezing out and we were antsy to get there. But I did get one and posted it below. When we arrived in Houghton, I gave Claire the royal tour and even bought us a Pasty, since Claire had never tasted the traditional Yooper food. We headed home then and were greeted by Nikki and Mom. We drank tea from my mom's fine china collection and caught up on everything. Before we knew it, 8 o'clock was upon us and it was time for the pagent. It was fun to watch, although we were going to Miss Georgia or Miss Hawaii and neither won. Oh well.

Yesterday, we got up and went to our favorite cafe for breakfast and then headed to our friends the Johnson's. Their Newfoundland just had puppies on Thursday! Newfoundlands are the HUGE black dogs. They can weigh 175 poounds!! The puppies were soooooooo cute! They didn't have their eyes open yet, but would just sleep and wimper. It was awesome! And amazing to think in a couple weeks they will be huge! We sadly had to leave and came back to the house to pack up. It was really windy and snowy out and we thought we better get on the road. The first 20 minutes or so of the drive was awful. White out conditions, slippery roads. I thought we might have to turn around, but just then the sun started to come out and the rest of the drive was sunny and gorgeous with clear roads!!! When I got back last night I quickly loaded my car and brought over a load to the new place. It is improving! I also posted more pics of the apartment below. It is still in the works, and I won't be completely moved until Friday. But it is getting better. I cannot wait! Then Claire called and invited me over for pizza. Her husband had his brother and friend up visiting and I think she was in need of more girl time!

It was a wonderful weekend! Now, I need to get back into the work mentality and prepare for a crazy busy moving week!! AHHHHHH.....


Anonymous said...

OH Miss America!!!! *sob* I miss you!!!!

Bethersw said...

I miss you too!