Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yesterday at lunch I went to turn in my deposit and my landlord was there! Yay!! And...she gave me the keys!! I was so excited!! I actually packed up a laundry basket of stuff to bring over after work when I went home for the rest of my lunchtime. After work I ventured over and got to check it out again, knowing it was mine. It is interesting to go back and see all the things you missed before, like, where am I going to fit a microwave? and will all of my hanging clothes actually fit? and can I get a couch up these stairs? heh. But, I still know it was the right choice. I can live with those things and make due. Now, the big question is picking out paint. I get so excited to do it, but for some reason, I am feeling a little stressed about it now. I don't know why. It's like I have an idea in my head about what will would look cool and what I want, but things don't always turn out that way. Hmmmm.... But today I brought some paint samples in to show my friend, Claire so she can give her input. I may even buy it today!
After checking out the apartment I went home to check on my pot roast! I was sooooo excited to make it, since I got a crock pot for Christmas and mom gave me a venison roast from dad's deer. At lunch I browned it on the stove and cut up potatoes, celery and carrots. I am praying it turned out. I don't always have the best luck in the world with cooking, but my grandma showed me step by step what to do when I went to visit this fall. Well, I came home and guess what... it smelled like pot roast! That was a very reassuring sign! And it even tasted like a pot roast!! Woo-hoo! I feel like the queen of the world!! I invited my boyfriend over for dinner and he also said it was great. Although, I think he knows how hard I try in the kitchen, that he would say just about anything was good. :) After dinner we hit up the high school hockey game. My bf had never been to one before, so it was fun to watch him and explain things to him. That's right, I explained a sport to someone. Not exactly sure if everything I explained was accurate, but it sounded good. We sat with his co-workers. One of his co-workers son was on the team. After the game we headed over to my new apartment, so I could show it off to him. He approved! I mentioned my paint thoughts to him, which was very interesting because he is a totally tan, black, and white, kind of guy. Well, me... not so much. I was going for more red and yellow. So, he didn't give me much help in picking it out, other than, "it's not what I would choose, but you do whatever you want." I will. Just not sure what yet.


Anonymous said...

SO glad the roast turned out!
Don't get stressed, nothing HAS to be done. Look at it as an adventure!!
How about putting the shelf from Grandpa and Grandma in the kitchen with the microwave on it?
You'll figure it all out.

momala said...

now I have an official name!!